The Horizon
All the latest updates on our work defending rural lands, creating livable cities and towns and preserving wild lands and water throughout Central Oregon
Skyline Forest’s uncertain future
If you’re a Central Oregonian, chances are you are well-acquainted with Skyline Forest. But did you know that it’s not federally protected public land?
Press Release: A win to protect rural lands from industrial development
On Friday, June 18, the Oregon Land Use Board of Appeals issued a remand of Deschutes County’s previous decision to approve industrial development near Deschutes Junction.
Fighting to save farmland in Jefferson County
LandWatch is stepping up to challenge the conversion of over 60 acres of prime farmland in Jefferson County
Deschutes County withdraws proposal to remove farm and forest protections!
For years, there has been an ongoing debate over a proposal to rezone certain rural areas across Central Oregon. The proposal would allow for removing land protections for forest and farm use and permit sprawling development across the County.
Protect farmland for farm use!
Industrial use doesn’t belong on farmland. LandWatch is challenging Deschutes County's decision to convert farmland into industrial use.