Farmers Markets in Central Oregon
Strawberry-rhubarb pie. Charred asparagus. Grilled salmon with green romesco. Gazpacho. Roasted corn salad. Basil pesto. Blueberry tart.
Summer’s most delicious recipes taste even better when made from local produce.
Central Oregonians who want to procure their food from local sources benefit from eight major farmers markets, as well as a host of farmstands. When you stock up on local food, you’re getting fresher, seasonal food with greater nutritional value. And, you’re also getting shorter transportation distances and a stronger local economy. Pretty sweet! Or savory. Or whatever food mood you’re in.
Enjoy a locally-sourced meal after stopping at one our region’s many great markets.
Central Oregon’s Farmers Markets
Listed from north to south, here are the main farmers markets happening throughout Central Oregon during the 2024 summer season.
Warm Springs Thursday Market
When: Thursdays, June 27 through September 12, 10:30 am – 2 pm
Where: Warm Springs Campus Pavilion
Features: different vendors every week
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Madras Saturday Market
When: Saturdays through September, 9 am – 2 pm
Where: Sahalee Park, Madras
Features: Produce, baked goods, face painting
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Prineville CROP Farmers Market
When: Saturdays from June 1 – September 28, 9 am – 1 pm
Where: Stryker Park, Downtown Prineville
Features: Local farms, artisans, live music
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Sisters Farmers Market
When: Sundays, June through October, 10 am – 2 pm
Where: Fir Street Park, Sisters
Features: Farms, artisans, live music
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Redmond Saturday Market
When: Fridays, June 21 – September 27, 3 pm – 7 pm
Where: Centennial Park, Redmond
Features: Produce, meat, crafts, jewelry
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Downtown Bend Farmers Market
When: Wednesdays, May 1 through October 9, 11 am – 3 pm
Where: Brooks Alley, Bend
Features: Food-only market
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Northwest Crossing Saturday Farmers Market
When: Saturdays, June through September, 10 am – 2 pm
Where: Northwest Crossing, Bend
Features: Various vendors, food carts
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Sunriver Saturday Market
When: First Saturdays, June through October, 10 am – 2 pm
Where: SHARC, Sunriver
Features: Local farms, artisans, food producers
Learn more:
Many of these markets are dedicated to helping everyone in our community access fresh, locally produced healthy food and a wide variety of currencies and vouchers, including SNAP/EBT benefits and Farm Direct vouchers, are welcomed by eligible vendors. Check with each market for details.
Along with chard, beets, carrots and all the veggies you could want, you can also pick up locally raised meats, sauces, pies, burritos and more. Some of these markets focus only on food products, while others will have booths from local businesses, agencies and nonprofits.
None of these wonderful farmers markets would be possible without a protected agricultural land base on which to grow local food. Ever since it was created in 1973, a key tenet of Oregon’s statewide land use planning system has been the preservation of agricultural land. The legislature even enshrined into law that agricultural land is necessary “for the assurance of adequate, healthful and nutritious food for the people of this state and nation.” (ORS 215.243(2)). This is why LandWatch works to prevent luxury sprawl onto farmland and to prevent nonfarm uses on farmland that create conflicts for farmers and drive up the cost of farmland.
Each of the farmers markets in Central Oregon is unique and worth a visit and will give you deeper insight into the local flavors in our region.
To learn more about Farmers Markets in Central Oregon, visit:
High Desert Food and Farm Alliance: Central Oregon’s 2024 Farmers Market Scene
Source Weekly: The Downtown Bend Farmers Market Opens On May 1st For The 2024 Season
Our state’s main land use decision-makers — the Land Conservation and Development Commission (LCDC) — have been working on new rules to strengthen farm and forest land protections and LandWatch is serving on an advisory committee to help them get the language right. Unfortunately, opposing interests are working hard to derail these new rules, and we need your help to show support.
LandWatch is urging LCDC to:
Stay the course and continue developing a meaningful Farm and Forest Modernization Program
End “spot-zoning” of agricultural land that allows residential and industrial uses in Deschutes County’s farmland
As someone who values locally grown produce, open spaces, and farmers’ ability to make a living in farming, your voice now will carry important weight.
The LCDC is accepting public comments in advance of their next meeting in Bend on June 27-28, 2024. We’ve written a draft letter to get you started, which you can customize or submit as is.