Planning for Sisters’ future
What type of housing and development does Sisters want to see?
For the last few years, the City of Sisters has been going through Sisters 2040, a Comprehensive Planning Process update. This process sets goals and policies to guide the City for the next 20 years.
Last year, there was some great public input. Residents of Sisters shared concerns over wildfire risk, the need for more affordable housing, and the desire to keep Sisters a close-knit and walkable community.
Now, Sisters is in a different stage of planning. They are gathering community input on two important projects that guide potential development and zoning changes – changes that will help determine what this community looks like for generations.
Will development build up or out? Will the City of Sisters need to expand its urban growth boundary, or can the City use the land it has within city limits to accommodate projected growth? Will the City of Sisters provide a better balance of housing options that include more affordable options? What balance should the City pursue?
Right now, there is an opportunity to speak up for the livable future you want to see.
An example of an area with mixed-use zoning in the small town of Bedford, Connecticut, designed to include housing, retail, commercial uses, and public open space within a small, walkable area: Centerbrook Architects
Complete Communities for a livable Sisters
The City is working on two related projects: Sisters Housing Plan and Sisters Land Use Efficiency Measures. The City is moving in a promising direction with these efforts - a direction that centers Complete Communities at the heart of Sisters’ current and future growth.
Complete Communities are the building blocks of livable towns and cities. They direct growth in ways that preserve our livability, prevent sprawl, tackle climate change, and help ensure all people have the opportunity to thrive here in Central Oregon. At the same time, we protect the environment around us.
Ways to get involved
We want to make sure the City hears resounding support for a future that focuses on delivering Complete Communities to Sisters.
We hope Sisters can avoid sprawling outward by expanding their urban growth boundary (UGB); we hope Sisters directs necessary growth within the current UGB. If you share our vision, you can voice support for code and zoning changes that allow for:
Rezoning for residential and mixed-use of vacant and surplus lands to meet current and future housing needs
More incentives for affordable and workforce housing, using all of the tools identified by the City
More mixed-use development and middle-housing options
More efficient use of existing multi-family residential land
These changes are all about creating resilient, vibrant, safe neighborhoods in Sisters that are accessible to all. They will make the best use of lands and infrastructure that already exist in Sisters and limit expensive and unnecessary sprawl.
Take the survey by October 30
Take this City of Sisters’ survey at this link available until 11:59 pm October 30.
Submit a public comment by November 9
Submit public comment anytime by November 9 to Scott Woodford, Community Development Director: or 541-323-5211. Comments will be forwarded to the planning staff, planning commission, and the project consultants.
Take a deeper dive
If you want a deeper dive on proposed code and zoning changes, check out City of Sisters’ Draft Land Use Efficiency Measures Report, and Housing Plan Update Report. You can find a summary of Central Oregon LandWatch’s detailed comments on these reports here or a summary of our comments here.