What's Shaping the Bend Central District
As people continue to move here, the Bend Central District is our best hope for Central Oregon to grow into a place we want to keep calling home.
A revitalized neighborhood in the heart of Bend will reduce pressure to sprawl, provide more housing options, and create new vibrant nodes of activity.
So what is shaping the Bend Central District?
First and foremost, the folks who work, live, and spend time in Midtown are already making strides toward the vision for a vibrant, healthy, and resilient mixed-use neighborhood with safe connections between east and west Bend.
Second Thursdays on Second Street
The Humm Taproom now has an expanded space and longer hours. They're serving local Kombucha, Beer, and Cider 10am - 8pm.
Check out the newly renovated Humm Taproom and enjoy live music and beer tastings every second Thursday!
Thursday, September 13th
5:30 - 7:30pm
Humm Taproom @ 1125 NE 2nd St.
Project Underpass
We are working with neighborhood artist Kaycee Anseth on concepts for transforming the Franklin Ave pedestrian tunnels into safe, inviting, beautiful art-ways. Unfortunately, we have not yet received permission from the City to clean or install art. With several thousand bicyclists and pedestrians using these passages to travel between Midtown and Downtown every week, we think it is very important to improve their safety and usability.
The success of the community's vision for this area in the long term will hinge on how the City of Bend plans for it now.
The City of Bend has begun the process of creating an Urban Renewal Advisory Board, which will develop a plan for how to incentivize redevelopment with city projects funded through Tax Increment Financing. We are encouraging stakeholders, residents, and community members to apply! Applications are due TOMORROW - Friday, September 7th. Click here to learn more. We will be engaging the community in this process as it moves forward.
Serve the community and influence important land use decisions and policies by applying for the Planning Commission! There is one open position with a four year term. Applications open until Friday, September 14th.
Of course, the rubber hits the road when landowners and developers make choices about what they want to do with their property. Will they continue the same old pattern of development or pursue a new vision?
There is the potential for an RV dealer to move into the old Murray and Holtproperty on Franklin Ave on a short-term lease. Here is a message from Brooks Resources with more details about their plans for that site:
Brooks Resources purchased the 181 Franklin property in the Bend Central District with the intent to develop a mixed-use building consistent with the vision embodied in the development code. We have invested time and resources to develop preliminary architectural concepts, cost estimates and a project proforma. We see this as an ideal location to develop a true mixed-use development that can help accommodate future growth. Our strategy is to hold the property until the City’s plans for creating an Urban Renewal District are clear and that any improvements under that plan are under construction or completed. We intend to lease the property in the short term until the urban renewal process is complete. We hope to be a catalyst for this type of development in the BCD.
The property owner of the Platypus Pub on Lafayette & 3rd Street is applying for two drive-thru restaurants and a parking lot on three separate lots. The drive-thru restaurants need conditional use permits, and those applications are not yet complete (still needed: TIA, water/sewer analysis, drainage plan, project narrative, existing conditions, easements, landscaping, lighting, accompanying property line adjustments, etc.). If the permits are completed by September 17th, the City of Bend will either make an administrative decision or hold a public hearing.
The Bulletin: After Platypus Pub, developer sets sights on second drive-thru
We have had extensive conversations with the landowners and have put them in touch with Craig Davis, Director Emeritus of GBD Architects. There are many creative ideas for developments on the property, but at this time, the landowners are moving ahead with their permit applications. You may weigh in to the city by emailing Karen Swenson at kswenson@bendoregon.gov.